杨浩然 (YANG, HAORAN)   Ph.D. Student       [Publication List]

Data Science and Machine Intelligence (DSMI) Lab
School of Computer ScienceFaculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Technology Sydney

Department of Computing (電子計算學系)Faculty of Engineering (工程學院)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (香港理工大學)

UTS-Email: haoran.yang-2 AT student DOT uts DOT edu DOT au
PolyU-Email: haoran98.yang AT connect DOT polyu DOT hk

About Me | Research | Professional Services | Awards & Grants


About Me

Haoran Yang is currently a joint Ph.D. student at the School of Computer Science of the University of Technology Sydney, supervised by Prof. Guandong Xu and Dr. Hongxu Chen, and the Department of Computing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, supervised by Chair Prof. Qing Li. Haoran has been working closely with Dr. Xiangyu Zhao at the School of Data Science of the City University of Hong Kong since 2022.03. Prior to that, Haoran obtained his B.Sc. in Computer Science and Technology and B.Eng.; Minor in Financial Engineering from Nanjing University in 2020. During Haoran's undergraduate study, he was a visiting student at the IFM Lab at the Florida State University, supervised by Dr. Jiawei Zhang.

Haoran's research scopes include but are not limited to Graph Neural Networks, Graph Data Mining, Recommender Systems. Haoran is also interested in other research areas of graph-related application such as Social Network Analysis and Molecular Structure Analysis.

Education Background


Patent Applications

  • Hongxu Chen, Li He, Dingxian Wang, Xianzhi Wang, Guandong Xu, Haoran Yang, "Matching Influencers with Catergorized Items Using Multimdoel Machine Learning", U.S. Patent, ATTY. DCK. NO. 2043.M70US1. (Under Review)


  • Understanding Micro-Videos for Customer Profiling and Personalized Marketing, eRUPT 2020 (eBay’s Research and University Partnership for Technology Project)

  • An Information Retrieval-based (IR-based) Approach Combining with Code Independence for Updating Requirments | 基于代码依赖紧密度的过时需求更新技术研究 (2018年江苏省大学生创新训练计划项目)

Invited Talks

  • "Graph Contrastive Learning and Its Applications in Recommendation Systems", at School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, 26th December 2023.

  • "Bridging Connections: Exploring Network Representation Learning, Recommender Systems, and the Frontiers of GenAI", Collaborated with Dr. Hongxu Chen, at School of Computer Science Fudan University, 2nd December 2023.

Professional Services

Memebrship of Academic Organizations:

  • ACM Member

Program Committee Member:

  • WWW'2025, WISE'2024, AAAI'2025, CIKM'2024, IEEE BigData'2024, IJCAI'2024, AAAI'2024, CIKM'2023, PRICAI'2023, AAAI'2023, PRICAI'2022

Teaching and Supervision Experiences:

  • Teaching Assistant, 2024 Spring, PolyU COMP1004: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Teaching Assistant, 2023 Fall, PolyU COMP1004: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Project Supervisor, 2022 Autumn, UTS 41004: AI/Analytics Capstone Project

Journal Reviewer:

  • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
  • ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)
  • World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ)

Conference Reviewer:

  • SIGIR'2024, WWW'2024, CIKM'2023, ADMA'2023, PAKDD'2023, DASFAA'2023, PRICAI'2023, WWW'2023, WSDM'2023, AAAI'2023, ICONIP'2022, ADMA'2022, PRICAI'2022, CIKM'2022, IJCNN'2022, KDD'2022, CIKM'2021

Awards & Grants

  • 2023.12, UTS HDR Publication Fund 2023 - Round 2
  • 2023.11, UTS Vice-Chancellor's Postgraduate Research Students Conference Fund 2023 - Round 3
  • 2023.06, PolyU Research Postgraduate Scholarship, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 2022.11, The Best Application Award, The 18th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA'2022)
  • 2022.04, UTS Vice-Chancellor's Postgraduate Research Students Conference Fund 2022 - Online Round 1
  • 2021.10, UTS Vice-Chancellor's Postgraduate Research Students Conference Fund 2021 - Online Round 3
  • 2021.02, Australian Research Council Linkage Project Scholarship, University of Technology Sydney
  • 2021.02, International Research Scholarship, University of Technology Sydney
  • 2019.11, Scholarship for Elite, Nanjing University | 南京大学菁英奖学金
  • 2019.11, The People's Scholarship in China | 人民奖学金
  • 2019.04, MCM/ICM 2019 Honorable Mention
  • 2018.11, Scholarship for Elite, Nanjing University | 南京大学菁英奖学金
  • 2018.11, The People's Scholarship in China | 人民奖学金
  • 2018.11, The 14th Citi Financial Innovation Application Competition, The Third Prize, Top 8 in Nationwide | 第十四届“花旗杯”金融创新大赛,三等奖,全国八强